The Safe and Sound Protocol

A certified provider of the Safe and Sound Protocol, I am delighted to offer the SSP to support nervous system regulation. A truly integrative approach, it has been described as both a “soul journey” and a “neural workout”!

The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a research-based auditory intervention developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, founder of Polyvagal Theory, that uses a specialized listening protocol.

It has been shown to reduce a range of symptoms and cultivate social engagement, states of ease and emotional regulation, and resilience. I combine the SSP with somatic practices such as NeuroAffective Touch to deepen the experience of regulation and relaxation.

By breaking the cycle of nervous system dysregulation, the SSP may help with:

  • Social and emotional difficulties

  • Auditory sensitivity

  • Worry and stress

  • Inattention and distractibility

  • Stressors effecting capacity for social engagement

  • Challenges in regulating physiological and emotional states

For more information on the SSP, as well as research studies on its use with autism spectrum disorders, ADD, and chronic pain, visit:

I offer the SSP over approximately 12 sessions online or in person.

Want to learn more the SSP? Be in touch